
The Seeds Of Life And Death

A few years ago, one of my clients made a return visit. This time she had brought her youngest daughter along.

The 18 year-old girl was deathly thin with cheeks sunken and eyes so dull that she looked really sick. That wasn't what worried me so much. It was when her mother told me that just 2 weeks earlier, she had been a picture of sunshine and good health; a complete opposite to the gaunt figure sitting opposite me. She looked as though the life had been sucked out of her by some kind of astral parasite.

For the sake of the story, we will call her June (since I am writing this in June and I want to protect her identity).

A couple of days after a slumber party with friends, June lost her appetite and stopped going out with friends. After a week, her mother started to worry because now as June was becoming lethargic and was starting to "die from inside". They had been to a doctor who did the responsible things. He had referred her to have blood tests and a series of other checkup with a specialist.

The test showed nothing was wrong physically and the specialist could not explain it. The other girls were all healthy and there was nothing to show what could have caused it.

Her mother decided to bring her daughter to me.

My first question was to ask why she had brought her to me. June was sick and I'm not a doctor.

By this time I was already looking at the girl's palm and examining the life line as well as the colours around finger tips and palm in general. While the lifeline did have a slight faint look towards the end of it, I knew that there was still plenty of energy passing through it. This girl was making herself sick!

I looked her in the eye and asked her, "Why are you making yourself sick?"

Her mother looked surprised to hear this and we both looked at June who denied it although I could see something was battling in her mind. 

Normally I ask first-timers if they have had a reading before. It's a general question usually to let people relax. This time I already knew the answer before I asked the question.

The girl was surprised at first and nodded in confirmation, telling me she already knew what I was going to tell her.

"Then you already know that your friends were extremely irresponsible," I said.

Her friend at the slumber party had done the equivalent of what other teenagers sometimes do at parties with ouija boards (another very strongly misunderstood item). Rather instead of a real ouija board, they created a makeshift version out of cards with words and letters written on them. For the planchette they found a glass and turned it upside down on the table so that their fingers were moving it about and touching different letters and words to create answers to their questions.

When it came to my client's daughter's turn, the "spirit" (which I strongly suspect was not a spirit this time but a very silly girl) announced that June was going to die and that it would happen within 6 weeks!

June's mother asked, "Can you see if it is true?"

I traced my finger along June's life line. "Your energy is strong inside you. The blockage that is making you feel sick is not from anything physical such as illness. It's a dis-ease."

I explained that dis-ease, in this case, was simply a LACK OF EASE. She was worrying herself to death needlessly.

June found it hard to believe at first as she could not believe she was making herself sick until I said, "Were you worrying before the reading?" (Her answer was no)

"Were you worried AFTER the reading?" (Yes)

"Now," I replied. "Would you have been worried if you had not even had the reading? Do you think you would have been sick and dying if you had not been told so?"

The girl stopped to think and I knew she was starting to see the light. So I started explaining some more things to her that were very evident about her hand.

"I'm not a doctor," I told her, "so I won't give you medical advice but I do know plenty of things already just by looking at your hand. This is what I am seeing. I see a hand which has healthy colouring in it, despite the rest of you being pale. Your life line is full of energy so I know that you can live a very long time if left to your own devices. You're a strong girl and you will live for a very long time when you choose to do so."

She looked hesitant but I knew that she could see sense. So I gave her the extra nudge.

"The only spirits that you have to worry about in life are the ones the liquid ones that come from a bottle. No other spirit will ever hurt you and there were no spirits telling you things at that party. It was your friends playing a very nasty joke. Are you going to let them win?"

"No way," she said, brightening.

She also admitted that the girl who "gave the message from the ouija board" was not one of the nicest girls either. I told her that, if anything, the other girl just wanted to spew out her own poison because she was jealous of June.

I've seen June again a few times and I am happy to say that she's not died. Rather she is living a very full life and has many great things coming up for her still. I'd bet my career upon it.

The point of this story is about how much we take on from others around us and about how much what we say can affect others as well.

Be careful what you say to your children, your family and your friends and enemies. The words we speak are the seeds of change. They can be noxious weeds that choke yourself and others to death or they can be beautiful trees full of bountiful life.

You have the choice of what you think and of what you say and we all reap what we sow.

Which do you want to have in your life?

I wish you all the great things that life can offer you in abundance.

ESPecially Best Wishes,

Chris Johnson
