
Ask Me About the Elephant

Ask Me About The Elephant

Chris Johnson

(c) 2013-2014

This is not so much about elephants as it is about yourself.

If you were born in the 1970's or before that, you are probably able to remember the days of going to a circus and seeing an elephant tethered by a chain to its leg. The chain (or even a rope) was attached to a peg stuck in the ground.

That elephant, my friend, is you. It is strong, noble and wise, powerful, intelligent and able to hold its own in harsher environments than our modern living.

An elephant is a strong creature more than capable of knocking down trees, moving and lifting heavy weights with its muscular trunk. It is even able to move obstacles MUCH STRONGER THAN THE CHAIN AROUND ITS LEG!!

So why is it able to do these things and yet a flimsy looking chain on a stake can hold the elephant in check?

When an elephant is only a baby, the animal handlers attach it to the rope and stake. As a baby, the elephant is still quite weak and the peg is sufficient to hold it.

Like any other free spirit, it will fight against the chain or the rope. It will tug and pull and whinge and complain as it learns that it simply isn't going anywhere while it's caught on that rope.

Its mind becomes conditioned so much that the proud elephant becomes complacent and gives in. In fact its mind is so powerful that it tells itself that it will never ever be able to move that stake.

Elephants have a long memory and so, even when it has grown to an adult size and is physically able to move that stake and rope, it does not even try!

Effectively it becomes its own captive!

Earlier I said that YOU are this elephant and there is a reason why. I don't mean you specifically as the point is that we are all that elephant in one way or another.

That chain and stake represents your own self-limiting beliefs.

Do you remember when you tried to do things as a child and some things appeared REALLY HARD TO DO? Either you were not strong enough at the time to lift something or you just could not get the knack because your coordination was not right at the time. Or maybe something else held you back.

You may have tried very hard to do it but eventually gave up.

This could happen in adult years too when getting a job in the area you want is difficult. Maybe you gave up on finding the right life partner? Maybe you gave up at a particular sport or pasttime because of one thing or another.

Either way, you had enough references to create a negative belief that something could not be done... so why bother?

You, my friend, became that elephant. We all have in one way or another.

Here's the good news.

Just like that elephant, we are capable of learning extraordinary things, to develop, to adapt, to break free. To grow!

If you showed that elephant that it can walk off, carrying that chain and stake behind it like a toothpick, it would learn that the only thing holding it back was its self-limiting belief.

What chain and stake are you letting hold you back?

When are you going to realise your own personal power?

When are you going to make the decision to move forward?

It's time to break free from your self-imposed chain and stake and live your dreams!

ESPecially best wishes,

Chris Johnson - Mentalist & Public Speaker

PS: To learn how to release your own inner elephant spirit and strength, visit me at www.thementalist.com.au and book in a time for a psi-q consultation.

How Do You Know?

How Do You Know?
by Chris Johnson
(c) Copyright 2014

I was planning on writing something else. Of course as can happen to some of the best plans, they are sometimes replaced by something better.

Last week, on one of my other blogs, I wrote an article that concerned how often one should have a reading. One of you asked some very good questions and I'll attempt to answer them for you.

"Aussie" said:
"I have never had a reading of any kind done... I would love to but, everytime i think to i always worry that ill be paying some fake to give me a crap reading.. How does one know that they r for real?? Are we getting our money worth?? I wouldnt even know where to start looking to fnd one lol... Maybe next time when im in ur neck of the woods ill look u up Chris..." 

My response will read as a rant and all I can say is that I'm not. Aussie has asked a valid question and, in my usual long-winded way, I'll do my best to answer adequately. Also I know that Aussie isn't singling me out or insinuating anything either. :)

Here is my response.

One journalist who wrote about me hit an interesting nail on the head. It is tough being a psychic reader. Get it wrong and we're labelled as a fake. Get it right and we're labelled as a con artist.

What the - ?
The credentials of a psychic or intuitive reader are something that is questioned a lot. We hear on current affairs shows about the mediums who use the old "gypsy curse" con that goes along the lines of, "Ooooh, I sense some dark negative energy. You've been cursed, a particularly nasty one too. That is beyond the scope of what you are paying me to do right now. I would need an extra [insert exhorbitant amount here] to help you get rid of it properly."


Frightened client runs to the bank, takes out a second mortgage on their house, and pays up the medium who disappears shortly after with the cash in accompaniment to a Keystone Cops type theme music.

These kinds of people flourish in EVERY profession.

Some who know me well will know that I used to be in work as a computer programmer over a decade ago. I left the profession soon after so that I could embark on full-time performing just before the Y2K hype started. I remember, just before I resigned as a systems analyst & programmer, that another colleague told me the Y2K bug fixing was a great area to be working in.

He said some were collecting something like $200 an hour in contracts to make sure that systems were compliant to the Year 2000 and would not crash when it happened. You know what? None of us knew for sure and there were a lot of system analysts who made enough in that time before the year 2000 happened that they could have a very nice nest egg feathered with the money they made. Some retired.

Like a lot of others, to be safe, I turned the computer off before 2000 hit and then it turned on nicely the next morning without a problem. I even told my wife (at that time) to make sure she turned hers off. She refused. The computer kept working up until 2005 when we finally retired it and I was sick of upgrading and maintaining it.

A lot of people around the world asked if perhaps they had been conned.

I do know there were a few valid points with the effects of a new century on the dates. After all, a child born on 20th January 2000 would appear as old as a man born on the 20th January 1900 (both would be 20/1/00). Would that mean the man would suddenly be ineligible to have certain benefits because he appeared to be younger than he was?

The silicon chip side of it... hmmmm... Like I said, I wasn't involved in Y2K and was actually working a performance at the Royal Perth Yacht Club at the time that 1/1/2000 hit.... and I remember stopping a lot of spectators' watches BEFORE the countdown. Maybe I used the Y2K bug to my advantage... or not. That's another story.

So we see that computer programmers can be suspected of being up to no good too. Heck, we know some of them even write viruses from their computer while watching re-runs of X-Files in their mummy's living room.

How many times have you heard of doctors, psychologists, and even priests doing the dirty in some way on their clientele, etc.

How many times have you heard of a doctor MISDIAGNOSING? Do you call him a fake doctor?

How many times do you have to call a car mechanic back because they made a mistake and forgot to put a bolt back in? Do you call them a fake mechanic?

So the question comes back to the psychic who you come to when you need comfort, perhaps a
little guidance, to help you through a tough time in life.

If a doctor diagnoses you incorrectly, he/she made a mistake. If a psychic has a bad day, he/she is labelled a fake.

It's a pity as they are people also with the same human weaknesses, fears, shortcomings, emotions and baggage as everyone else. Some are better than others, some are absolute garbage who leave their clients even worse than before.

How do you know who is a good psychic to visit for a consultation?

The same way you choose a good doctor, mechanic, hairdresser and such.

Word of mouth is usually the best way. If you know someone has had good results with that practitioner (consultant) then you know you will likely receive what you think you are paying for.

ESPecially best wishes to you all,

Chris Johnson

Bold & The Beautiful ... and Chain Reactions

Bold & The Beautiful... and Chain Reactions
by Chris Johnson
(c)Copyright 2011, 2014

Do you want to know one of the craziest things about my life as a mentalist?

I can read people and I can predict future events... yet, I have trouble sometimes in seeing EVERYTHING.

I can blunder about like a klutz through life, or some stumbling child, and then suddenly things start happening around me that seem totally out of control... such that I wonder, "How the f*ck did I miss that?" or something else similar.

This morning I went out for a run at 4:30am because something in my life has been bothering me and I could not sleep. While I was out doing my run, I was thinking to myself about how some things just go out of whack and it's because I may FORGET (or fail) to think first... and at the age I am approaching now, that's pretty bloody embarrassing.

An observation came to mind from something that happened years ago
and I was around to witness. Someone I knew used to have a laptop which they used on the coffee table. They also decided to make themselves a spider to drink with lots of Coca Cola in it, ice cream, flavouring, etc.

The coffee table stood on a mat which had a lump in it from bunching up. It had been there a while but no one had bothered to straighten it out.

You don't need to be a mentalist or a psychic to know what happened.

This person was walking back to the laptop to do some work, while enjoying their spider... and... TRIP! Oopsy! Oh, shit!!!

One hand goes out to catch themselves, the other drops the glass... the glass misses the floor... hits the coffee table... somehow the glass of the table stayed intact.... even luckier the drinking glass stayed intact as well.... Lucky the glass missed the laptop.... but wait!!! There's MORE!!!!

The glass lands on its base (phew!).... but the momentum keeps it moving... it wobbles.... in true slow motion.... and then.... tips.......

It falls.....

It spills....

Coca Cola fizzes about the table surface.... and... runs.... onto the floor.... and then.... and then.... Oh, crap!!!

It runs towards the laptop!!! It spreads, fizzing as bubbles escape... and then runs UNDER the laptop.... while more splashes (where did THEY come from?) take a life of their own and land right on the laptop's keyboard!!!

Amid the cursings come an accusation levelled at me, saying, "Why didn't you see that happening?"... but I ignored that because I was too busy finding tea towels and napkins to soak the sticky mess up.

Curses were aimed more so at things like :-

  • how Coca Cola is really sticky shit
  • that icecream really does melt fast in a keyboard
  • not being able to enjoy the spider
  • who was the bastard that invented gravity anyway

The laptop was totally stuffed and we watched it die a painful death as its blue screen became a faint dot in the display's centre.

All of this from neglecting to either step around that lump in the mat or, better still, fixing it up earlier.

There is an important lesson here and it's one that we can apply to our lives in either business, in our lives, even our relationships with friends, family and partner.

We must look ahead, consider our actions and the consequences if we wish to avoid the dramas.

While running, I also remembered from books like Art of War by Sun Tsu (I've mentioned him before) that a general thinks ahead in multiple steps.

People who lead well, reduce dramas in their lives, and head off problems before they occur and they do that by being able to see many steps ahead as well as the array of possible consequences to their actions. Then they adjust their actions to suit the best outcome.

Those who have lots of drama around them are only looking at immediate consequences, rather than the consequences further down the track... if they are looking at any at all.

It's not that they enjoy it... only that they failed to consider it.

It’s the simple difference between thinking:
  • If I take this action, consequence A will happen, or…
  • If I take this action, consequence A will happen, which will lead to consequence B, which will lead to C, which will lead to….well, you get the picture.

As an example, you might want to buy a brand new super-duper television set for $500 and you have $500 in the bank.

If you go and buy it now, you may have the immediate pleasure of owning a television set that can let you watchyour favourite shows in awesome colour with a bitching sound system.... but did you remember that you had the $550 put aside to pay your electricity bill so that you can turn it on?

You probably won't realise that until the lights don't turn on for you, you fumble around in the dark to find matches and a candle, miss seeing the lump in the mat that you still haven't fixed yet (even after your laptop died earlier) so that you trip, fall and hit your head on the corner of that coffee table... hit your head so hard that you're knocked unconscious and suffer a bad head injury such that you can't get up to ring the ambulance for help... and your friend isn't around to help because you already told him to piss off because he hadn't warned you to watch out for the lump in the mat!

(close up shot of you bleeding on the floor in the dark while the piano player tickles out some dramatic music... and fades out to a commercial plugging health insurance)

So when you are making a decision about doing something, stop to think about the far-reaching consequences.

Before I close, I'd like to add something.

When you make a mistake, learn from it. When someone else makes a mistake, learn from their consequences so you don't make the same mistake yourself later... but consider the actions as well.

And when you make the mistakes, we all do, learn to forgive yourself for it as well.

We are all human..... well, most of us :)

ESPecially best wishes

Chris Johnson

Find Out What A Thumb Tells About A Man's.....

What A Thumb Tells About A Man And His....
by Chris Johnson
(c) Copyright 2014

I recently watched a movie with a well-known actor playing the part of the action hero. During a close-up scene, I had the chance to see the hand – in particular the thumb. As I found myself studying the shape of the thumb, including its nail, I realised I was doing the same thing my palmistry teacher told me about years ago!

Henry Winkler is known for his Thumbs Up as The Fonz.

You don't have to be an expert palmist to know a lot about a person when looking at their hand. Indian palmists have been known to look mostly at the thumb itself to know whether someone is truly a man of action or simply a wannabe lounge lizard.

When I read palms at a corporate event or at one of my Home Psychic Parties, I always check first for the flexibility of the thumb before looking at the rest of the palm.

If it bends backwards really easily from the joint, it's regarded as flexible. People with these thumbs are generally easy-going, optimistic and positive, as well as being flexible in their approaches to things in life. They're the kind of person who can sometimes be seen as a “yes man” but that is usually only to buy some time rather than create a scene.

Stiff thumbs tell me that the person is determined. They can also be very reliable. If the thumb is really stiff as a board (rather than being firm), you would be hard pressed to ever get them to change their mind.

If you are in business or working in sales, this can be very useful knowledge to have. For example, if someone has a flexible thumb, the chances are they are a very easy person to persuade or get onto your side. Depending on the shape, they can also be your greatest ally. On the other hand (pun not intended), a stiff thumb is not someone you can sell to easily. If you try pushing your ideas to them, they will more than likely throw up a block for you and dig their heels in out of stubborness … even if you know that you are right. When that happens, step back a little in your approach and then after a while try again from a slightly different angle.

Another tell-tale sign is the size of the thumb. The longer the thumb, the more successful the person is said to be. They can also be quite dominant, show natural leadership skills and influence.

Napoleon Bonaparte, for example, was said to have had an extremely large thumb and history tells exactly how much he did manage to achieve before he lost.

If a person has a short thumb, they are usually lacking in will and can be stubborn usually for no apparent reason. Medium thumbs are more balanced in their outlook, tending to be more fair in life and are quite capable of asserting themselves when needed.

Obama's thumb is long. The phalanges are
mostly equal giving balance although his
first phalange is slightly longer of the two
Some of you are also thinking, at this point, about the rumour that the size of a man's thumb is directly related to the length of his penis. For the purpose of this nugget of information, I have not actually researched this so cannot verify.

People who are more likely to be successful in business also have large thumbs. There's another interesting thing to check the next time you look at a movie about businessmen. Have a look at Leonardo di Caprio's thumb when you're watching him in The Great Gatsby or The Wolf Of Wall Street and then tell me if he was well cast for the roles!

The other parts to look at, which is probably not as easy to do in everyday life, are the phalanges of the thumb. On the first phalange (at the tip) is the section that illustrates the will. The second phalange represents a person's logic.

If the will is larger than the logic section then that person is likely to be one who acts before they have put enough thought into something. This can be good if they are taking the right action before procrastination or negative thoughts set in to change their minds. Of course, it can also mean they can be quick with rash thinking likely to “make the decision right later” rather than make the right decision.

If the logic is larger than the will section, you are likely to have a procrastinator looking you in the eye. The degree of this can be further clarified by checking their palm itself which is beyond the scope of this article but it's a very good indicator just the same. Either way, they tend to put more thought into things before acting upon their decision.

When both logic and will are about the same or equal, you have a person balanced between their willpower and their thinking. Their decisions are well thought out and are likely to be very balanced between their positive and negative thinking (which can hold a procrastinator back).

Chances are you have been looking at your own thumb while reading this, particularly if you are a male. Some ladies are looking at and thinking about some men's thumbs as well.

There is a lot more that the thumb can tell us, including the thumbprint and the skin texture itself, which I discuss in greater detail during my talks.

If you have any questions, or if you find yourself looking at other people's thumbs in movies and real life, please feel free to contact me at my website

ESPecially best wishes,

Chris Johnson - Mentalist
Phone:0433 181 675

PS: For an even more in-depth discussion on what to look for when shaking someone's hand, please consider having me speak at your club or special event.